Andre C. De Luca
Andre De Luca was born in São Paulo and is a true wildlife lover. He spent his childhood in close contact with the Atlantic Forest, always getting into the [...]
Arnaldo Vieira
Arnaldo Vieira is from Limoeiro do Norte, a small town located in the countryside of Ceará state. During his teenage years, he moved to Fortaleza, the state capital, to complete his [...]
Arthur Gomes
Arthur was born in Campinas, in the countryside of São Paulo state. He was interested in nature since he was a child, and as a teenager he discovered his [...]
Bruno Rennó
Bruno is from Resende, state of Rio de Janeiro, at the foot of the beautiful Itatiaia National Park. During his school holidays he traveled to the interior of Minas Gerais, at [...]
Caio Brito
Caio Brito was born in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, in 1989. At the age of 5, he followed his family to California, where he lived from 1995 to 2000. [...]
Carlos Gussoni
Carlos Gussoni is an ornithologist with Phd in Zoology, that worked with natural history of the Restinga Tyrannulet in the states of São Paulo and Paraná for almost 10 [...]
Ciro Albano
Ciro Albano was born and grew up in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará in the heart of the Caatinga Biome. Throughout his childhood, he would often visit [...]
Estevão Santos
Estevão F. Santos is a young ornithologist and zealous naturalist from central Brazil. Born in the state of Goiás, in the heart of the Cerrado biome, he now lives [...]
Felipe Arantes
Felipe was born in São Paulo-SP and has been passionate about wildlife since he was a child, which led him to study Biology, becoming an ornithologist focusing on the [...]
Fernando Farias
Fernando Farias is from Florianópolis (Santa Catarina), the place where he was born and developed his interest for birds, even before starting his undergraduate studies. During his undergraduate years he [...]
Julice Aristides
Although her family descent is from Alagoas, Julice was born in 1996 in Minas Gerais during one of her father’s many “field works”. Since then traveling has been recurrent [...]
Lucas Barros
Lucas Barros was born in Fortaleza, the capital of the state of Ceará, where he currently lives. For 17 years he lived in the state of Paraíba before returning [...]
Pablo Cerqueira
Pablo Cerqueira was born in Teresina, Piauí state, Northeast Brazil, in 1989. Grew up traveling from a big town to a little city in the south of Piauí [...]
Paula Prestes
Born in São Roque, in the countryside of São Paulo, she is passionate about nature. She graduated in 2004 with a degree in Accounting. She has a postgraduate degree [...]
Tatiana Pongiluppi
Tati is a passionate biologist and ornithologist. She earned her master’s degree in Biodiversity in Protected Areas and dedicated her first ten years as a biologist to bird conservation [...]