Ciro Albano was born and grew up in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará in the heart of the Caatinga Biome. Throughout his childhood, he would often visit the countryside accompanying his father, a nature photographer, and this inevitably turned him into a nature enthusiast. This passion made Ciro choose to study biology at university, and to specialize in birds has been his natural choice ever since. In 2003, Ciro joined the NGO Aquasis to work with bird research and conservation.
For five years he was a team member and one of the founders on the Conservation Projects of two critically endangered species – the Araripe Manakin and the Grey-breasted Parakeet. Ciro’s skill at identifying bird calls and his wide knowledge of the birds of North-eastern Brazil drew the attention of other Brazilian ornithologists and birding guides, and in 2006 Edson Endrigo and Ricardo Parrini contacted him to suggest he should lead tours in the Northeast. By that time, he had already fallen in love with birding and since that he never stops leading Tours.
He is also a bird photographer and enthusiastic for bird recordings, with photos published in several important publications as the HBW, he’s author or co-author of several scientific paper on birds. One of Ciro’s greatest discoveries is a yet unnamed new bird species to science, of the genus Myiornis ( Pygmy-Tyrant ), that is under the process of description.
Since Ciro spends most of his time in the field, his knowledge of local birds here is incomparable, so that trips he organizes to all and any sites in the Northeast and nearby areas are truly unforgettable.